Auto Sector
Despite a vast expansion in the number of companies disclosing data on their climate impacts, we are a long way from real transparency. Recently cited by Reuters, our new research, published with the Calvert Center for Responsible Investing, shows only six of the top 30 automakers fully disclose the few critical metrics needed to assess climate impact.
Explore more about the findings below, and sign up for ongoing updates here.
Utilities Sector
While 78% of the utility sector reports on their current emissions intensity, just 16% disclose decarbonization targets using the same intensity benchmark for the remainder of this decade, a timeframe during which current management might still be held accountable, as well as over the longer term (2030-2050). This demonstrates the sector’s failure to forecast the metrics that matter most, and that’s a problem given the importance of the utility sector in efforts to bend the emissions curve.
Explore more about the findings below, and sign up for ongoing updates here.
top takeaways
In this video, Signal Climate Analytics CEO Tim Nixon sits down in conversation with host Ryan Sheppard to reveal the top takeaways of this new research.
“If auto company executives focused on robust Keystone metric disclosure, they might actually take us to simplicity on the far side of complexity. Doing so could enable the markets to work more effectively in helping avoid the worst consequences of climate change.”
Key Metric Definitions
Scope 3 Category 11 Disclosure: Represents the total use phase emissions from the manufacturer's entire new global fleet of vehicles.
Vehicle Lifetime Distance: The automaker's estimated average distance each vehicle will cover throughout its lifespan. This metric is a key factor in the " Scope 3 Category 11" calculation.
CO2 Emissions per Kilometer Target: The manufacturer's intensity target for reducing CO2 emissions for every kilometer traveled by their vehicles. This intensity target offers a comparative measure of the manufacturer's ambition to reduce emissions against their current performance.
Current CO2 Emissions per Kilometer: Indicates the average CO2 emissions for every kilometer traveled by the manufacturer's new global fleet. This metric provides an intensity basis for comparing the emissions impact of different automakers. Emissions per Kilometer for both EVs and ICEs is defined as "Well-to-Wheel" gCO2-eq/km, accounting for the entire lifecycle of fuel production and electricity generation.
Current Period Emissions Intensity: Indicated the average CO2 emissions per MWh of electricity produced/distributed.
Mid/Near Term Intensity Target: The utilities emissions intensity target for reducing CO2 per MWh of electricity produced/distributed during the current decade (before 2030).
Long Term Intensity Target: The utilities emissions intensity target for reducing CO2 per MWh of electricity produced/distributed over the long term (2030-2050).